
PBL practice; LEGO block

The tasks are students made something from LEGO blocks based on instructions under time and resource constraint The following procedures are what the students actually do. APPROACH 1: The given theme is not concrete, but students need to build what the customers require.  Student groups create and show a stressed point, and make schedule for their own works. After that, students assess other groups' works. The students make presentation twice respectively during this session.     APPROACH 2: Students needed to copy the blocks exactly. The shape and colour of the blocks must be the same as what they see.   APPROACH 3: A student adds one block and the next student adda another block one without communication in a group. these are repeated for 20 mins. After that, each student make own story and record what they think during the work. Then a gropu discuss all stories they make. Finally they choose the best story. The students were reuired to reflect...

First Greeting

It is pleasure to open this blog.  The purpose is to disclose project-based learning (PBL), PBL practice at university and other relevant topics to university.