Nagaya Tsunagu Forum, ("The 2nd forum on Japanese town houses, alleys and inbound ") by Karahori Club

On 18 February, Saturday, I participated in the 2nd forum as a MC and facilitator. Last year I was a facilitator for the 1st forum. A topic of the 2nd forum is nagaya, roji and inbound. Nagaya is a Japanese tenant houses in town. In Karahori Area, located in the Uemachi Plateau, Osaka, there were many this type of houses. During the WW2, this area was avoided from US airstrikes. Consequently nagaya is fortunately remained. However, maintenance cost for this is higher than construction cost for a new house. Many have already distracted and renewed modern houses and apartments. Despite that, some young Japanese come to start new business in nagaya recently, but many of Nagaya residents are old Japanese. Roji is an alley in Nagaya. The width in many Roji is less than 2 meters. Roji has some unique functions, e.g. quasi-public spaces for community and pri...