Attending HCD-Net (Human Centred Design) Kansai-Branch Seminar (1)

I attended the above mentioned seminar on 23 June.  The venue was at MOTEX Inc., near Shin-Osaka Station, Osaka. I am going to talk about the seminar and thoughts during the seminar.

1. Seminar on service design
  The seminar topic was service design. Dr. Hasegawa presented the foundation, application and its latest trend for service design during the seminar. At beginning, he talked about chronological trend for commodities.  Initially the era of manufacturing came first.  Then eras of distribution, information and customers come in order. In other words, while technique for manufacturing commodities is developed more and more, preference from customers have changed. Customers used to be satisfied with just commodities themselves in the early 20th century. Later supply could be made properly and customers pay attention to distribution, e.g. accurate delivery. Anywhere consumers obtained commodities with same quality. Then information became more important.

2. Marketing 3.0
  Currently technological advantages are less important than before. The following sentences are my thoughts. Values have been changed, i.e. from values for exchange to values for use.  Kotler (2010) advocated that market should be transformed “from Products to Customers to the Human Spirit”. Customers used to pay attentions to functions of commodities, but nowadays customers do not think functions are not determined for purchase. In this sense, paradigm shift has already occurred. Anyway, private firms also concentrated on investing R&D in the past, but they must consider customers’ real needs. However, customers are not conscious of their own insights or spirits. Thus it is not easy to find real things to resolve.  

3. Ethnographic survey
  Ethnographic survey becomes important, because users do something without consciousness. During the survey, researchers observed and interviewed extreme users. As a result of the survey, structure maps are created. Some factors, which can be useful for ordinary users, can be extracted. He also added that realistic users’ behaviours are outside-in thinking. While traditional approach is inside-out thinking, we should take outside-in approach. In inside-out approach, current service analysis leads to service extension. However, user behaviour analysis can lead to new service plan. In this sense, things are not continuous. An example of evolution is change smart phones from Nokia phones. If kaizen is repeatedly attempted for Nokia phone, smart phone would not emerge.

4. Examples: Smart in Europe and GoPro
  He gave some examples, e.g. Smart manufactured by Mercedes. Conventionally there is correlation between largeness and grade. Large vehicles are generally high grade ones. However, city dwellers in Europe think smaller cars are better but they prefer high-grade cars. So Smart can be acceptable for many city dwellers in Europe.     


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