The JIE 28th annual meeting at Kansai University

The 28th annual meeting of the Japan Institute of Energy (JIE) was held at Kansai University. It was extremely hot in Osaka. While it is the third time for me to participate in the conference, I made oral presentations for the first time. In my research, I would like to take some topics from renewable energy and energy issues. Thus, a paper presented in Malaysia in April this year is from the supply side. At the same time, I would like to argue renewable energy issue from the demand side. Then, a survey was executed and I wrote a 2-page summary based on the survey result. Prior to the survey, I read some references, but I could hardly write all references I read. This is because the summary as mentioned above has just two pages. After reading, I constructed and delivered a questionnaire in several classes. I focused on young women’s power sources preference of decision-making. I set up four criteria from alternative power sources. As a result, safety and security are the m...