Talk at the 10th Code for Osaka meeting

In the past, I joined meetings of Code for Osaka and Code for Nara. In Nara, I was a facilitator in a workshop organized by Code for Nara. Code for XXX is regional-based participatory community to solve various regional issues with ICT, i.e. Civic Technology. In Japan, for instance, some groups work with local governments to use open data more effectively. One of the issues is education. In the past many speakers talked about education. On 22 February, I presented learning portfolio on the occasion of the 10th Code for Osaka meeting. It was the second time for my presentation. Approximately 50 people came and listened to speakers’ presentations. Some were city councilors from Osaka city and outskirt of Osaka city. The meeting was commenced with toasting drinking. (This style released pressure from all participants.) After 2 speakers, my presentation began. I did not prepare but initially I did self...